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Hello: I’m Rev David Coleman, EcoChaplain for EcoCongregation Scotland:
it’s that time of year when we’re looking to you to be part of the Season of Creation Resources for 2023: covering the Sundays of September and the first Sunday in October, both with prayers and reflections for every passage in the Lectionary AND thematic items. Something that caught your attention in the Bible or the environment, which would help churches with their life and work. This is offered by EcoCongregation Scotland to any and all churches in Scotland and beyond
We’re delighted to include excellent guidance from Church of Scotland’s Weekly Worship, on written prayers and comments; but also encouraging you to be creative in other media: video, poetry, sculpture - whatever allows you to share your inspiration with others. Stuff from young people, older people, and from those in training for Christian leadership is especially welcome, and I’ll go out of my way to enable your own original work to be presented as beautifully as possible.
Yes, “Houston, we have a deadline: “ in the can by the middle of June at the latest would be wonderful, but we can stretch it just a bit: you know we always do!
Finally: I’m not looking for the content of your bookshelf. The climate crisis pushes us up and over into different insights: you know more than the big old names do about the state of the world: so do’t just go up the hill and back down again: push on a bit further and share what shakes, delights and surprises you about following Christ in Climate Crisis.
Please get in touch straight away via
Church of Scotland Guidance for written material ( adapted for EcoCongregation Scotland)
Weekly Worship, based on the Revised Common Lectionary, is offered to those who are creating and leading worship – in any capacity – and provides resources that can be used in worship in all settings or adapted to a particular context, equipping and encouraging worship leaders to become more creative.
Choose any one, or even all of these categories
Scripture Passages: about 250 – 500 words for each lectionary reading
Provide thoughts on the background of each of the scripture passages and the ways you approached the texts. This is an opportunity to demonstrate different ways of engaging with the passage(s) and themes. For example:
What in the text really piqued your interest or curiosity?
Where did your curiosity lead you?
What questions arose that helped you to shape your material?
How are the personalities of Creation involved, whether directly or in the background?
How does Climate Crisis transform your reading?
3. Sermon Ideas: 250 – 500 words NOT a full sermon, but suggested themes reflection on how the passages resonate today.
Include a few sentences on your approach to writing this section and any useful experiences of delivering your ‘sermon’ ideas in a worship gathering. Not all gatherings include a sermon; people engage with scripture in different ways so you are encouraged to include alternative approaches that might be used, e.g. Q&As, conversations in groups, or other ways to approach scripture and share learning.
4: Prayers
Please provide the prayers indicated below, introduced by a few sentences describing your approach (e.g., using news media, or IPCC reports to guide your thoughts around environmentally significant world events and situations). Comment on any specific language used in the prayers or how a worship leader might frame these prayers to maximise participation for the whole church community .
Gathering prayer /Prayer of Approach/ Call to worship /Opening responses
Confession / Repentance/Assurance of pardon
Thanksgiving / Gratitude
Prayer for others / Intercession
Blessing / Closing prayer
5. Musical Suggestions We’ll be linking to the superb project at Trinity College, though any new material, or something relating directly to the lectionary readings may also be featured.
Please use gender-neutral, expansive and creative language, especially when referring to God and the Holy Spirit, to make the material more accessible and inclusive. Avoid ‘stewardship’- we’ve moved on from that! It's OK to use capitals for Earth and Creation, and pronouns which help understanding of the personal involvement of fellow creatures.
The NRSV is the starting point for Bible quotes: so please specify if you use a different translation.
As far as possible make sure that this is completely your own work, and avoid footnotes. It’s a great discipline and builds confidence in yourself and your readers.
If you are using quotations, please take responsibility yourself to ensure that all sources are clearly identified, references given and, where possible, permission applied for or granted. Material published on the website is subject to the laws of copyright.
Please save your file in the a format which helps us keep track of it e.g., your name and the Lectionary reference, e.g., Season Creation Week 1 Psalm 37 McSmith.docx
We reserve the right to edit all materials submitted, and to use them during and beyond Season of Creation 2023 without further permission.