Hundreds of people are already signed up to come along and help us hand in thousands of messages from across Scotland to the First Minister. Are you one of them?
Join us outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh from 12-2pm on Wednesday 27th of May (or between 1-1:30pm if your time is limited) to demand action on our climate commitments and to push for leadership on climate action internationally.
You can sign up on Facebook, or just come along on the day. And of course there is just one week left to send your message to the First Minister, and encourage your friends and family to do it too.
Speak Up for the Climate at Westminster
After the General Election you might be pleased, you might be disappointed. But whoever your new MP is, it’s their job to represent you – and now more than ever they need to hear your voice on climate change.
Will you join us in London on 17th June to tell your MP why climate change matters to you – and ask them to do more about it?
Over 3,500 people have already said they’ll come. That’s a brilliant start, but we’d love to see even more people join in. Sign up now.
We hope to see you outside the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday next week.