Our Annual Gatheing on Saturday 20th April will feature a workshop on Just Eating? Practicing Our Faith a the Table, a study programme published by the Presbyterian Church USA which explores the relationship between the way we eat and the way we live.
Dr Sheena Wurthmann will share her experiences of using the materials in her congregation at Netherlee Church and explore what the congregation has gained from it. You can download the materials for free and also purchase a printed copy from USA here to bring with you on the day if you wish.
If you would like to take part in the Gathering you can access the full programme by clicking on this link: Annual Gathering 2013. The Registration form can also be accessed in WORD.
Netherlee Church received their 1st Eco-Congregation Scotland award in 2007 and are working towards their 2nd award. They are arranging a Green Fayre on Saturday 16th of March as part of their Green Week. It is from 10am to 4pm in Netherlee Church Halls & Netherlee Scout Hall (Ormonde Avenue, Netherlee, Glasgow G44 3SL) and among other activities you will have a change to the play the FoodPrint Game. All welcome!