Keep Scotland Beautiful will be providing free Climate Challenge Fund application and funding advice for community groups at 10 locations across Scotland in July and August.
A presentation will introduce the CCF which will be followed by a Q&A session and a one-to-one advice surgery. There will also be case studies from currently funded CCF projects and advice on other grants and support available.
In total, 563 projects across Scotland have received over £46.9 million in CCF funding to reduce carbon footprint and make community improvements. Time is running out apply for grants up to £150,000 per year with the next applications deadlines in September 2013 and January 2014.
CCF grants have funded community owned buildings including church halls to install energy efficient measures and community group projects to provide local energy efficiency advice. They have also funded community growing spaces and local projects to help people move away from their cars towards lower carbon transport alternatives.
Development grants of £750 are available to help disadvantaged communities and ethnic minority communities to get their CCF applications off the ground while projects led young people are supported through the Junior Climate Challenge Fund.
All groups applying for CCF funding can count on support from a Development Officer at Keep Scotland Beautiful, who manage the fund on behalf of the Scottish Government. Keep Scotland Beautiful is the independent charity which is committed to making Scotland clean and green, today and tomorrow.
The events are free, but attendees are asked to register via the online signup available via the events page of
Locations for the funding surgeries will include:
Ayr, 8th TBC
Falkirk, 16th TBC
Paisley, TBC
David Gunn, Climate Challenge Fund Manager at Keep Scotland Beautiful said:
“Climate Challenge Fund grants have been important in supporting community groups across Scotland to reduce their carbon footprint and improve their local areas. ”
“The Climate Challenge Fund is open for applications and I hope many community groups will attend these free events to learn how the CCF can help them achieve their goals. The Fund can provide grants up to £150,000 per year in support of community projects – seeking to help make local communities more sustainable places to live and work. The event will be useful for everyone – from those who have never heard of the CCF before, right through to groups who have a specific project in mind.”