Messy Church is an approach to Church and Faith that is:
- Family based.
- Craft and activity based.
- Promotes values that are faith centred.
- Is for all ages and is based on Creativity, Hospitality and Celebration.
My colleague Rev Linda Stevens who is our team minister has been doing Messy Church for three years or so and has a wealth of experience and ideas. Recently Linda led a Messy Earth and a collage of pictures is shown above to give you a flavour. There was snacks, craft work, singing, talk and prayer. We run 6 Messy Church services a year and they take place at the same time as the 11.15 service in the Sanctuary. Attendance is between 60 and 80 parents and children.
The collage shows:
- Messy Volcano.
- Creation Cakes.
- Re-cycled bottle bird feeder.
- Bird seeds for feeder.
- Local bee keeper speaking about how we can help preserve our bees.
- Wild flower seeds in envelopes to sow and encourage bees/wildlife.
- Caterpillars.
- Creation tins.
- Ladybirds opened up to reveal the scripture with the scripture “God said …..I am putting you in charge of the fish, the birds, and all the wild animals.” – Genesis 1:28. We also had this scripture on the sides of the wild flower envelopes.
I would like to suggest that we develop a Messy Church resource as part of our Eco-Congregation work.
Rev Malcolm Rooney
Glens and Kirriemuir Old Parish Church