New editor needed for Green Christian magazine.

Christian Ecology Link are looking for a new editor (voluntary) to oversee production of ‘Green Christian’, CEL’s magazine
— two issues a year (published in May and November).

Here are the details from CEL:

Just two weeks left to apply.

We feel it’s important that CEL’s most creative work, such as this, IS in the hands of volunteers.

Section editors are already in place for book reviews, internal news from CEL and our local groups — plus a graphics expert and printing system.

Could you be the person with the vision to pull each issue together?
Are you passionate about faith and environment?
Longing for a prophetic Church and a sustainable world?

Then join us at the leading edge of green Christian witness as editor of our magazine.

Deadline for applications is 12th October.

See website

Feel free to talk it over with current ‘Green Christian’ editor, Chris Walton, without any obligation.
Email: Tel: 0788 194 1296