Keep Scotland Beautiful is offering the people of Scotland the chance to get their voices heard in the run up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris.
As you may already know through all the activity around our Climate Justice Baton Relay, the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference runs from November 30th to December 11th 2015. It is a crucial conference, as it needs to achieve a new international agreement, applicable to all countries, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2°C.
Keep Scotland Beautiful is running an online consultation survey to find out what the people of Scotland think about the issues on the table at the Paris negotiations. As part of this, eco-congregations throughout Scotland are invited to participate in this consultation. The results from this consultation will be collated and submitted to the Scottish Government to inform the delegation of ministers and civil servants attending the negotiations.
Take part in the consultation survey online at
You can learn more about the consultation and the United Nations Climate Change Conference through the KSB Road to Paris webpages and newsletter
Keep Scotland Beautiful plays an important role in influencing and enabling action on climate change. This includes work with people, places and policy through areas including collaboration with Government and the public sector, communities and voluntary sector organisations, businesses and young people. They see it as part of their work to make Scotland clean, green and more sustainable.