Congregations can download information and posters for Pass it on Week 2017 here.
Many of the things we throw away haven’t always reached the end of their useful life. Something that you don’t want anymore can still be used by someone else.
Help your church members discover the positive effect of re-use…
Save money
Buying second-hand items can often be much cheaper than buying new and you can often find amazing one-off deals.
Help your local community
Donating items for re-use can help your local community, especially those in need, to buy items at an affordable price. By donating items for re-use you can give items away that you no longer want and know they will be appreciated by someone.
Save energy
Donating items for re-use helps save energy. A lot of energy goes into the production of new items so by re-using unwanted items first we can help reduce the need to produce new ones.
Protect the environment and conserve resources
Every time new items are made, raw materials are used – Extracting (mining, quarrying and logging) raw materials creates substantial air and water pollution. We can help reduced this by re-using items where possible rather than buying new.
Reduce waste to landfill
You can help protect the environment as re-using items reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill. There are over 1,500 landfill sites in the UK, and in 2001, these sites produced a quarter of the UK’s emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.