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Dear Sustaining God
in Scotland, we’ve been here:
we hosted COP
and made the most
of getting together,
sticking our necks out
marching, protesting encouraging.
It did some good, thank God.
Though not enough,
as the sweltering Earth
in person assures us:
breathlessly groaning,
and lashing out.
with fire and flood and drought.
And so this time round
when still, so much could come
of the gathering
and mutual encouragement of nations
yet when disappointment and frustration
seem part of the process
simply, help us
from the outset,
to wish them well:
the scientists who compare notes
the indigenous folk, who bring wisdom
the protesters,
who hold it all to account
and even the ludicrous greenwashers
and lackeys of pollution
that on the Road to Damascus
or even Dubai
they may be inspired
to practice what they proclaim.
We pray for the strengthening
of the voices of the smaller nations;
For the laughter
that brings down unjust thrones;
the faith that shouts Hosanna!
God Help Us!
Hallelujah anyway!
And bless and use
the Great Green Circus of the nations
for justice in Heaven and Earth.