5th May 2013 – For Immediate Release.
Eco-Congregation Scotland is holding an event at the Edinburgh International Science Festival on Tuesday 2nd of April.
The event entitled “Faith in the future: the church and our environment” will be chaired by journalist Lesley Riddoch and brings together psychologists, theologians and others interested in behaviour change to discuss how religious faith can be a driver for environmental sustainability. Four expert speakers will give their views followed by a round table discussion with audience participation.
The event is being sponsored by Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS). Scotland’s national ecumenical body made up of nine Christian denominations.
Gordon Hudson of Eco-Congregation Scotland said:
“This event moves the debate about religion and science away from stale debates about the existence of God to the practical issue of whether religious faith can change our behaviour for the good of the environment and the future of our world.”
The event is at 6pm on Tuesday 2nd April in the Dining Room at Teviot Row Student’s Union, Bristo Square, Edinburgh. Tickets are available from the Science Festival web site, by phoning the box office on 0844 557 2686 or from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival shop, 180 High Street, Edinburgh.
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Press Contact:
Gordon Hudson, 0131 240 2274, manager@ecocongregationscotland.org
Eco-Congregation Web Site: http://www.ecocongregationscotland.org
ACTS web site: http://www.acts-scotland.org
Science Festival Web Site: http://www.sciencefestival.co.uk