Register now for our Annual Gathering on 29th March

You are warmly invited to this year’s Eco-Congregation Scotland Annual Gathering on Saturday 29th March, 10am to 3.15pm at St. Aloysius College, Glasgow.

Event Details

At a time when energy policy has never been more controversial, with proposals for fracking and nuclear power stations, and growing awareness of the impact of climate change… The theme of this year’s gathering is ENERGY. How can churches effectively manage their energy efficiency? Where can they get support in doing so? Should churches stop investing in fossil fuel companies?

We are delighted to welcome John Ashton as keynote speaker alongside a range of interesting workshops ranging from the local to national and international. One of the world’s top climate diplomats, John Ashton is now an independent commentator and adviser on the politics of climate change. From 2006-12 he served as Special Representative for Climate Change to three successive UK Foreign Secretaries, spanning the current Coalition and the previous Labour Government.

A light lunch will be provided and teas and coffees available throughout the day.

How to register

A full programme and registration form can be downloaded  here:

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This can be returned by email or by post.

Space is limited so please send us your completed registration form as soon as possible.