Ss Ninian and Triduana RC Church, Edinburgh received their Bronze award earlier this year. The assessors noted that the parish is active in making the link between faith, justice and creation. They were also impressed by their garden transformation, restoring their garden to an eco-garden, incorporating a sitting area for social/quiet space, a meadow area, and a pond area.
Their church garden revamp included:
- New benches installed from repurposed pews
- 5 swift boxes added
- A pond created from a repurposed old school sink
- Water butt installed from a repurposed grey bin
- Bug hotel created from a repurposed old shopping trolley
- Winter home for frogs and bulbs added by local school children
- Leaf mould pile created
- Plants added from cuttings from parishioners gardens
- Introduced ‘No Mow May’
- A peace pole installed at the front
Well done to everyone involved.