St. Andrews Church, Brussels wins Silver award.

St. Andrew’s Church of Scotland in Brussels has won a silver Eco-Congregation award. This is the sixteenth award plaque we have sent out in the past four weeks and it is just on its way to the Post Office.

The assessors identified the following for particular commendation:

  • the widespread communication of the caring for creation message through all sectors of the
    congregation using noticeboard, Sunday School, sermons, film screenings and discussions;
  • the insulation of the church roof and the plans for the manse;
  • their commitment to global issues, shown in the twinning link to Adentan, support for Fair
    Trade, Christian Aid and WWF;
  • their making use of people within the congregation to link to European environmental agencies;
    the investment of church reserves in sustainable funds.

Congratulations to everyone at St Andrew’s for their ongoing commitment to climate change and other environmental issues.