Thank you!

Valerie Carson from Keep Scotland Beautiful writes:

Thank you for helping to make National Spring Clean 2010 such a resounding success!

For those of you who love facts and figures… This year 83,668 volunteers took part in 1,406 litter picks across the whole of Scotland during the month of April. That’s more than 1.5% of the Scottish population, who took action to clean up the country this spring. Amazingly, 891 schools and nurseries took part and young people accounted for 79% of participants overall – putting us adults to shame. If you’d like to know more, please see the press releases on our Media Centre .

The campaign has made lots of new friends this year, so welcome if you’re new to the campaign and thanks for your ongoing support if you’d taken part before. We hope to see you all again in 2011!

In the meantime, thanks again for helping to spread the word to your members, colleagues and contacts about how they can take action to help keep Scotland litter-free.

With best wishes