Award for Torry St Fittick’s Church

Congratulations to Torry St Fittick’s Church on gaining their first Eco-Congregation Award!

The assessors particularly commended the congregation for the following:

  • The good sense of community within Torry St Fittick’s that supports the eco-congregation work.
  • The significant effort that has been made by the church to include caring for creation themes in the service content.
  • The work involved in drawing up plans for refurbishment, which include energy saving measures and the progress made thus far in fund raising for this project.
  • The church’s involvement with the community and communication of eco-congregation aims through the Hall letting policy.
  • The church’s commitment to Fair Trade and recycling projects.
  • The church’s support for the Malawi Container project.
  • Keeping everyone informed and involved in the eco-congregation work through good publicity in the church magazine, on the noticeboard and website.

Well done!