What does a greener life in 2030 Scotland look like? How are people living, working and travelling?
For Scotland to achieve its ambition of being a low carbon country, all of us – government, businesses, communities and individuals – will need to work together and play our part.
Scotland 2030 is a series of videos and online tool that follows a typical day of a Scottish family and shows what life will be like in 2030 across topics such as: where our energy comes from; how we travel; different ways of working; the food we eat. Plus, either as you watch each video or at the end, you can learn more about how life has become greener.
But, do you want to know what the best thing about life in 2030 Scotland?
Whether it is being more energy efficient in the home, eating a diet high in fruit and vegetables, being less reliant on the car or managing your heating better, there are lots of steps (some big and some small) people can make today.
To see what Scotland 2030 will be like and see what you can do now to make your daily live greener visit www.scotland2030.org.