Perth network event: For God so loved the Cosmos

“The Environment – a Christian Imperative ?” Can Caring for Creation Help Care for the Church ?

The Perth Eco-Congregation Network would like to invite you to come to an event that it is organising with the help of Eco-Congregation Scotland for all Ministers, Pastors, Session Clerks and Chair of Boards on 10th November 2014 at 7.30 pm at Kinnoull Parish Church, Perth.

The Rev Trevor Jamison of the United Reformed Church has recently been appointed as Environmental Chaplain for Eco-Congregation Scotland, a post supported by the URC. He will be talking about the Environmental Imperative for Christians, and how care for Creation can help churches to become more involved with their community and with the wider world.

At a time when all churches are facing huge challenges and pressures with rising costs and shrinking congregations, is environmental concern a luxury we cannot afford ? Or might it just be part of the solution ?

Trevor will speak for about 40 minutes followed by questions and discussion. The evening will finish by 9.00 pm with a cup of tea.

All are welcome – please contact Bill Wilson on 01738 637743 to RSVP.