At the next Stirling network event at 7:30pm Tuesday 28th October 2014 at the Methodist Church, Queen Street, Stirling Jon Cape will be speaking on Should we keep the oil in the soil? – The case for divesting from fossil fuels. His description is below:
With around 180 organisations around the world now having taken the decision to move their money out of fossil fuels, the movement is gathering momentum. The latest Church to do so, last month, is the Church of Sweden. Following the decision, that Church’s Head of Responsible Investment said,
‘We see a financial risk in owning fossil fuel companies. Their value consists to a large extent of fossil fuel reserves that risk losing value since they cannot be extracted if we are to have a liveable planet.’
The talk will outline the case for disinvestment both in terms of ethics and of financial prudence and the actions which can be taken inside our own denominations, and as individuals, to take the issue forward.
Details of the campaign across the Churches can be found here
There will also be updated from churches and from the Local Networks Seminar. All are welcome to attend.