For those traditions where there is scope for text variation in the Communion prayers:
-Taking note of the great Commission of Mark 16, and the multiple rebukes given by the Risen Christ, which authenticate, in character, that the Risen one shares the identity of Jesus of Nazareth who was killed and buried. Known in the breaking of bread – and in the love with which Christ speaks out!
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Text only Use ‘Now the green blade rises’ ( Noel Nouvelet).
Holy, holy, holy,
All-embracing God!
All Creation praises
action, life and word:
Hosanna highly, Hosanna below!
Flesh and blood, our Jesus
in whom, God we know.
Holy, holy, holy,
All-transforming power!
Praise from every Creature
All shall rise, none cower:
Hosanna highly, Hosanna below!
Christ in love rebukes us;
Christ, the friend we know.