Buchlyvie Church Flower Festival

Buchlyvie Church held a flower festival over the Jubilee Weekend. Their Eco Congregation display featured wild flowers gathered from the wealth of wild plants growing in the hedgerows and wayside up Whiteleys Road, Buchlyvie. Sphagnum moss was used as a ‘living oasis’ for the displays. The ‘insects’ you can see in the picture were made by a craftsman using upcycled cutlery and other scrap materials. 

The flowers featured in the displays are as follows: Elder, Common comfrey (white), Russian comfrey (purple), Bistort, Hedge garlic/garlic mustard, Welsh poppy, Buttercup, Cuckoo flower/ladies smock, Bush vetch, Germander speedwell, Wood avens, Red campion, Dog rose, Chickweed, Dandelion herb Robert, Ground elder, Sorrel and cuckoo spit, Sweet cicely, Nettle, Ribwort plantain, Cow parsley, Beech nuts, Broom, Londonpride, Pignut, Pussy willow fruits.