NOTE: Themes of power, entitlement and possession of land are all the more relevant in the light of a peace disrupted
ALL FIVE WEEKS now complete and downloadable
(look for the three dots on the Vimeo player to download, when you click on the videos.
Downloadable Location Readings also HERE
A clutch of five downloadable video ‘major reflections’ to complement, or take the place of a vigorous sermon on Lent readings, or as discussion starter for study groups . Pdf texts also available on this page. NB – this is the work of one person, not a film crew: please be kind.

Week 1: A land possessed [Five sisters shale oil bing 231m]
Five Sisters Bing ( mountainous ash heap from the shale oil industry)
Sermon [downladable]
Week 2: Dazzling ( Transfiguration)[Ben A’an 461m]
Ben A’an, ( Trossachs)
Week 3: Blazing to High Heaven [Cadzow Oaks]
Week 4: The circle of justice [Croft Moraig Stone Circle]
Croft Moraig Stone Circle.
Week 5: divesting from despair [Ben Lomond 974m]
Ben Lomond.