Eco-Congregation Scotland Aberdeen October Events

We would like to invite you to the following events on the 21st and 23rd of October (please click on the events table to make it bigger):

Please note that if you would like to go from the Church Service to the Mini-Gathering on Sunday the 21st October, tea and coffee will be available at Ferryhill but please bring your own lunch! It is a 15-20 minute walk between Ferryhill and Crown Terrace. Alternatively, the 17 bus takes 3 mins (4 stops) to go from outside the church down Crown Street to Crown Terrace. They are every 20 mins. There is limited parking at Crown Terrace but free parking available elsewhere in the area, and it is convenient for train and bus stations.

More information will follow closer to the time. Please contact us if you have any questions!

We hope you can make it!