(To go with Exodus 33:12-23 Matthew 22:15-22) Meter 11 10 11 10 – Was Lebet, Was Schwebet [Brightest and best…] CH4 327 or CH4 634
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1) God the Sustainer is God who embraces
weaves and connects all that’s known and obscure;
Seas and the skies suffer human injustice:
Earth shares a voice with the downtrodden poor.
2) God in Christ Jesus speaks love full of warning:
counsels we build on the rock, not on sand
teaches alertness and wide-awake walking
faith is God’s gift for the good of the land.
3) Kingdoms will suffer from violent corruption –
Even the Kingdom of Heaven itself
Earth, God’s Creation, is balanced in beauty:
fragile, our friend, needing care for good health .
4) Nothing we do, say, or pray is irrelevant:
neither to neighbours next door, nor afar.
God’s is the glory that’s known in Earth’s goodness
Empires do fall, when such truth they ignore.