As the World Church gathers in Karlsruhe for the Assembly of the World Council of Churches:
1st September is the beginning of the Season of Creation and the ‘World Day of Prayer for Care for Creation. As I’m in Karlsruhe as an observer (annual study leave) here’s a reflective contribution to that day…
Note: I hope we are recovering from the damage done by over-eager theologians who some while ago maintained – in defiance of the exemplary life of Christ – that Christian love can only be 100% self-giving, self-sacrificing. That and the equally harmful, entitled and imperialist suggestion that the church is an organisation concerned only with the care of those who are not its members. Care is much more nuanced and interactive than that….especially care of Creation, who cares for us.
Created, we are sustained.
Not past: ….right now
Not looking back.
(We’ve done enough of that!)
for so much lies before us:
and Christ….
Christ walks beside us.
Showing us the wisdom
of the trees and the birds and the Earth.
Christ be sharing with us
as in prayer of word and thought
and prayer embodied as action and commitment
we seek the Wild Wind Spirit’s help and guidance
to renew and repurpose your Church
keeping faith
with fellow creatures
-known and unknown-
on whose care for us, unbeknown
we have always depended:
That family of the Earth
whose value and whose rights
so vastly exceed whatever price
with which we brand them;
with which we discount them.
Christ teach us again that Kingdom
you brought within our reach:
to live the Way the Skies are Ruled
whom birds make Heaven;
into whom trees breathe life
that we may breathe at all.
And Christ, as you gave all,
and yet enjoyed hospitality:
(needing to be strengthened and prepared for that giving)
Liberate in us
that powerful balance of giving and being given
making and making new:
a path and a direction for all who have breath…
though now, for now,
even Heaven suffers;
cries with all Creation
May we add this cry:
Break down the barriers
of race and class and species.
And fill the gap with respect and order.
of predator and prey
of life and decay
of death and hope
that even endings be beginnings.
Show us what and how to value
What you sustain and love.
Yes, love.
And loving, care.
And caring listen
And listening change.
Through Christ, the Word, the Flesh.
That’s us!
And as Jesus loved to say:
AMEN: get on with it!