Jeremiah’s potter [ch 18] shows how openness to a re-think is better sooner than later. The deadlines of climate are about getting on with it now, rather than waiting until everything is locked in and inflexible.
In the much-loved Psalm 139, the Psalmist learns to cope with a creator God, who has not only “ searched me out and known me’ but knows us because we’re made of the same stuff as the rest of Creation. The Good News of Warning is well represented in Deuteronomy 30 and Psalm 1. Rev Rory Macleod of Skye shows how, in his letter to slave-owner Philemon, from a position of powerlessness combined with moral authority, Paul sticks his neck out to promote partnership and respect between divided by inequality, whilst the stringent words of Christ in Luke 14, reflected on by Rob Burnett of St Ninian & St Triduana’s Edinburgh, insist on the realistic wisdom of reading the signs and adapting to circumstance – as a matter of survival!
Rosalind Hine of St Andrews Churches Eco Group reflects on whom we might accept and respect as a ‘prophet’ in our day – David Attenborough, Greta Thunberg – or someone else?
We also welcome the first of several sets of prayers written by Probationer minister Gillean Richmond, who undertook a placement with the EcoChaplaincy as part of her training.
Lectionary resources as a downloadable PDF.
if there are any practical difficulties, please contact chaplain@ecocongregationscotland.org
Major video reflection: ‘Choosing Life’ – now downloadable in up to 4k
Location Gospel reading to go with the above reflection