The theme of our 2012 Annual Gathering is ‘Behaviour Change’, looking at local and global issues of sustainable living.
We are delighted to welcome Stewart Stevenson MSP Minister for Environment and Climate Change as our keynote speaker. In the afternoon there will be opportunities to look at different aspects of behaviour change and how it can be brought about at home and abroad.
Malcolm Rooney, minister at Kirriemuir, will lead a workshop on the challenges of changing behaviour in presbytery based on his experience of promoting climate change action in Angus Presbytery.
Dane Sherrard, minister at Luss, recently attended the International Pilgrimage Conference in Assissi will lead a workshop on green pilgrimage.
Andrew Faulk of Consumer Focus will look at the financial support available to congregations to help them turn their commitment into action, including details of the new ‘green deal’.
Christian Aid and SCIAF will jointly lead a workshop on climate justice and international development.
Charles Agoboklu of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and interfaith climate change network of Ghana will tell us how churches in Ghana are helping people respond to climate change.
The Green Team of the Scottish Government will lead a workshop on the Climate Challenge Fund and the opportunities it offers congregations.
Please complete the Registration Form and email or post it to:
Postal address: Oyunn Anshus, Eco-Congregation Scotland,
121 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4YN