You know it’s Good News when…. Hymn poem for Epiphany 4

Cliff edge

You know it’s Good News….

For Epiphany 4C (1 Corinthians 13, Luke 4). Thinking about the potentially violent reception of radical changes to lifestyle and the practice of faith that emerge when Scripture and preaching are taken seriously. 

Meter  11 11 11 11 ( e.g.  St Deinio, Stowey)

1) You know it’s Good News when it drives you to rage:

makes changes apparent; the End of the Age;

Love sounds like a message you’d like to ignore

and throw down on rocks from the cliff to the shore!


2)You’ve chosen to listen, but here’s the surprise 

that Jesus brings justice to light to your eyes:

says “healing is God’s gift for here and for now

not stuck in the past, nor beyond far hills’ brow”.


3)And Good News from Jesus is Good News for all

the Earth and the enemy, monstrous and small;

with warnings to heed and delights to enjoy

inclusive and caring: it’s bound to annoy!


4)In language of angels or slang of the street

Christ’s friends will speak love to whomever they meet

And how you receive it speaks volumes aloud

But Good News that’s welcomed gives cause to be proud