Eternal Lord of historic buildings and ancient towns, new developments and changing communities you are amazing.
Glorious Lord of lochs and rivers, canals and reservoirs we witness your beauty in our everyday.
Magnificent Lord of libraries and museums, heritage centres and historic monuments your love for us is everlasting.
Compassionate Lord of hospitals and health centres, fire stations and police stations forgive us when we are too caught up in our own emergencies to care for others.
Bountiful Lord of shopping centres and supermarkets, high streets and farmers’ markets, thank you for providing all our needs.
Sustaining Lord of sports centres and swimming pools, running tracks and golf courses we are so grateful for our wellbeing.
Educator Lord of schools and colleges, nurseries and playgroups thank you for the opportunities to learn throughout our lives.
Enabling Lord of motorways and country roads, footpaths and bridleways, guide us in all of life’s journeys.
Creator Lord of farms and fields, country parks and open spaces inspire us to be guardians of your creation.
Loving Lord of family and friends, neighbours and colleagues, we know you are listening, help us to listen too.
Gracious Lord of churches and Sunday schools, societies and youth groups we thank you for this time together to share new growth, new hope, new laughter and new songs.
We ask that your love and your strength will empower us to be channels of your love and hope to those whose lives we touch,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,