2nd April 2014, 7.30pm.
Throughout the world food is produced in an unsustainable manner, whether measured in terms of resources, pesticides, fertilizers, erosion, or people’s long term health. How can we grow food sustainably, how can we look after the world God gave us? This workshop will include help in designing your sustainable garden.
Audience Open to all
Speaker Ronald Gilchrist Greenway Consulting Greenway Consulting promotes and supports sustaionable food Production
http://www.greenwayconsulting.co.uk/index.html in their Waste-to-Food process, they can will show how to use a simple HotBox composting unit to quickly process kitchen and gardenwaste. The product is then converted into a extremely potent organic fertiliser, wormcast, in our wooden wormeries. This wormcast, which has been enriched with the essential trace elements which can be missing from most foods, can then be used to grow the healthiest fruit, vegetables and plants which money just cannot buy! This rocess allows soil to be regenerated into an enriched state producing organic produce throughout the year. Their projects have enabled individuals to come together to work on climate changing initiatives, to grow local produce and build the “social capital” of their communities. This can at the core of any Transition Town initiative. Greenway has extensive experience of working with a variety of client groups to develop their own community gardens to produce sustainable food production at a community level. No two clients have the same vision and needs.
Start time: 7:30pm
More information at St Andrew’s webpage: http://www.standonline.org.uk/church/training_course/growing_food_sustainably_natures_way