Ayrshire Network Meeting 19th February 2013

St Margaret’s Parish Church, Dalry has kindly agreed to host the next Ayrshire Eco-Congregation network meeting on Tuesday 19th February at 10am. You can access the agenda by clicking on the link: 130219 Agenda Ayrshire network

This will be an opportunity to see St Margaret’s shop in operation and learn how it was set an up and now runs five days a week. The shop collects a wide variety of goods from the community, such as furniture, crockery, clothes, toys and books to sell on for reuse locally – a wonderful example of waste minimisation (and fundraising)!

We will also have a time to sit down and share the latest news and views from the network and I attach a brief agenda to keep us on track – hope to see you there!

For directions see: http://stmargaretsdalry.weebly.com/find-us.html