Reducing emissions, delivering climate justice.

Six bloggers, six weeks, one challenge: to change the way they travel

Autumn 2013 sees the launch of a new project from our friends at Stop Climate Chaos Scotland.

A lively new blogging website – Travelling Tales – will feature regular blogs from a small group of people across Scotland taking on the challenge to switch to a more low carbon form of transport for six weeks.  They will share their experiences of this change, highlighting the good and bad aspects of using low carbon transport.

For some time now, it has been clear that much more effort is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector, which accounts for a quarter of total emissions in Scotland.  This will be essential to ensure our country plays its fair part in tackling climate change.

Transport choices affect all of us.  We all need to move about, whether that’s popping down to the shops, commuting to work, taking children to school or going on holiday.  Everyone uses transport in one form or another.  The travel choices we make have an impact on the environment, including our individual and collective carbon footprints.

The Travelling Tales website will share some real life stories about transport choices.  Our bloggers will tell you what happens as they make these changes, the obstacles and benefits, how they felt at the time and afterwards.

Follow the blog at and on Twitter @TravelTalesScot.

At the same time, Stop Climate Chaos will run a campaign calling on the Scottish Government to provide people in Scotland with much better low carbon transport options.  We will be joining them to call for more funding to be made available for cycling and walking, to make it easier and safer to take the healthy option and get out of the car wherever possible.

You can support the campaign by emailing your MSPs – find out more at

Eco-Congregation Scotland  is a member of the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland coalition, through which we work with a large and diverse range of organisations on climate change issues.