Sweeping over the void – of a groaning creation

We found this prayer on Sanctuary First:


Oceans suffocated by plastic
Groaning to be free.
God of creation,
we join their lament.

Trees coughing alongside motorways
Groaning to be free.
God of creation,
we join their lament.

Glaciers melting with tears
Groaning to be free.
God of creation
we join their lament.

Islands slipping beneath rising waves
Groaning to be free.
God of creation,
we join their lament.

God, our Creator,
Who gives us responsibility
For this beautiful planet
Forgive our selfish, unthinking ways
Poisoning the ground beneath our feet.

Christ, our Redeemer,
Free us from our foolishness
With a new sense of wonder
And a new desire to tread carefully
On this precious earth today. Amen.

by Rev Peter Neilson