Esk & Tweed Network inaugural meeting 26th March

The new Esk & Tweed Network will be launched on 26th March at 7:30pm in Carlops Parish Church. An invitation is extended to members from all Eco-Congregation churches and to those who are interested in learning more about the Eco-Congregation movement.

Nan buchan is delighted to welcome Ewan Aitken, chairperson of Eco-Congregation Scotland, as the guest speaker.

Nan Buchan: “Those who have heard Ewan will know how inspirational he is as a speaker. We also hope that we will hear a short statement (lasting no more than a few minutes) from each attending church describing its location, size and perhaps an Eco activity. A break for refreshments, giving time to ‘chat’, will be included in the programme.”

Read more about the meeting by clicking on the link: Network introduction

Check out the Esk & Tweed page for Network updates:

Directions for Carlops Parish Church can be found here: